About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The European Journal of Humour Research (EJHR) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal with an international multidisciplinary editorial board. It is an open-access forum which is complementary to Humor: International Journal of Humor Research - the journal which has been leading in the field since its foundation in 1988. Although initially geographically oriented towards the ˋold continentˊ,  also due to the home base of the Editors, Editorial Board members and computer servers, the perspective  of EJHR has developed beyond the original European scope; nowadays, it clearly aims at an international readership, and both its authors and reviewers are affiliated with universities and other institutions from all the continents. Nonetheless, particular attention is given to the past events and current developments of humour research in Europe.

Indeed, the research on humour is a truly global enterprise, and EJHR aims at promoting its diversity even further by providing a meaningful arena for discussion.  EJHR covers the full range of work being done on all aspects of humour phenomenon and intends to respond to the important changes that have affected the study of humour. Consequently, EJHR is committed to theoretical openness characterized by the intent to publish a wide range of critical approaches, alongside the encouragement and development of innovative work that contains a trans-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary focus.  

Peer Review Process

EJHR  is an online journal, and over the years it has become a leading open-access journal in its field and, as such, adheres to the highest academic standards.

All submitted articles (with the exception of invited editorials, which are reviewed by the inhouse editorial team), undergo a double-blind, peer-review process. The recommendations of the reviewers are made according to the formal assessment criteria and taken into account and respected by the EJHR Editors. Authors are informed of the editorial decision and all relevant comments are forwarded.

No charges are applied either for submitting, reviewing or processing articles for publication.

Publication Frequency

EJHR is published as a quarterly. Submissions are accepted all year round with no deadline.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

The EJHR was launched at the memorable and eventful  ISHS Conference which was held at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, on 25-29 June, 2012 and started appearing in early 2013.

In 2022, it celebrated its tenth anniversary and could boast considerable achievement. Over the previous nine years we had published 35 issues with 345 articles and had indeed become truly multidisciplinary in the process, as testified by titles of some special, guest-edited issues: Contingent dynamics of political humour (2021), Laughter and Humour in Communication (2021) Intertextuality and Humour (2020), Humour in Multimodal Translation (2019), Humour in Nonsense Literature (2017), Humour in Social Media (2016), Humour and Education (2015), Humour in Art and Activism (2015). The unique issue devoted to the memory of Christie Davies was the largest issue we had published which was genuinely multidisciplinary too (Playing with Aggression, 2017).

Formally, the journal has received international recognition, with Cultural Studies being ranked Q1 and Linguistics Q2, among the disciplines the journal is officially associated with. The journal is now indexed in 18 international databases (e.g. Web of Science ESCI, Scopus, Scimago, ERIH Plus, DOAJ, and Chinese CNKI Scholar).